Sunday, April 29, 2012

Expectations and Goals with Regards to My Stay in Cebu City

Cebu City

Here at last at the Queen City of The South after a tiresome and head-ache inducing travel. I am not here for vacation or pleasure trip, but to work my ass out. This is more or less my fifth time to Cebu City and I was a little shocked that the city has changed a lot. Many vacant areas before are now plagued by tall and monstrous buildings. Where were the trees and grasslands that I used to name and love?

Anyway, since I have mentioned here earlier that I am gonna be here for work and that means I have to stay for quite some time, I have set a list of some of my expectations, goals and future destinations. In order to keep me grounded and focused, I must remind my self of the things that I have to do here.

Here it goes:

Work and Work More

If I had been industrious and hard-working in my Iloilo days then I have to exceed those achievements. I don't want to repeat the mistakes I have done in relation to my work. The previous year was a nightmare to me and I hope this change of environment could somehow reboot my once very proactive nature. I need to work double and be the employee my company expects me to be.

In order to do this I have to shed away my laxity and complacent behavior. Yeah, I have to get the things done in a very efficient way, but now that I am here I have to think out of the box and be aggressive to do not only the things assigned to me but also other things that could help alleviate the company I am working with.

Save and Be Thrifty

Now that I am far from home I have almost no one to turn to when my budget fails me, or if I fail my budget rather. Extra lock on my wallet to ensure I could achieve this goal. Maybe refraining from these and those things that I might see as a luxury from time to time and giving value to whatever I have spent on. This means I have to take care of my things as well. So goodbye the-hell-I-care attitude.

Ayala is just a stride away from my office and this means I have to be extra stern to my self. I need to reinforce my self-control and throw away the impulsive side that almost always fails me in this aspect. Although I have to admit I still need to buy some books from time to time -- after a number of my books have not been returned, I have to replenish my library.

Fitness and Quest for Health

This may sound a negative approach to it, but I am a little envious of the Cebuanos. After having been catatonic for months since I stopped going to the gym, I lost some of my weight and bulk. This is a source of depression for me from time to time, which leads to my weighing lesser and lesser. I have to improve my diet plans and all.

After having discovered that soy milk does not cause me discomfort compared to regular milk I guess I might find my source of dairy requirements from here on. Protein bars and drinks, and fruit shakes must be back to my list of staple food or drinks. This is quite in contrast with my budget goal, but I guess I could work this out.

Travel More and Discover New Places

I have to do this in a way where I don't have to spend much money. There are a lot of locations here that needed visiting to experience that joy it could offer. Aside from Donsol, I heard that whale sharks are also accessible in Oslob, Cebu. This will be one of the things I have to experience in life so I am adding it to the list. This means of course that I have to visit beaches and resorts as well.

Aside from the natural environment, the man made bliss of buildings and venues should not be forgotten. Of course the nearest to my office, which is Ayala Mall, should be the first in line. Some bookstores, cafes, restaurants, bars and all others. How could I visit these without spending much? Sigh...

Strengthening My Bond to the Lord

Cebu is known to be the place where religion is a big part of your day. This will surely inspire me to strengthen my religious affiliation as well. Because at the end of it all, only the Almighty has given me strength when I am weak and down, direction when I am lost and support when I have nothing.

I might not be able to do it instantly, but adding a small portion of it day by day will eventually lead me there. So long as I know my beliefs and make a stand on it, it will not be useless. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. ~ Psalm 28:7

I really do hope I could abide by these goals and expectations. Only time could tell.

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