Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Glee TV Series Continues With a Fourth Season in the Big Apple


We got reports earlier that The Glee TV series renewed for another season. The third season isn't even finished yet and now we got to hear some not-so-delicious news that Glee Season 4 is on the works. Was this some kind of a joke or another stunt to dig in more cash?

We almost thought that Glee would only run for three seasons, owing to the fact that the TV series would only focus on the Glee club member's High School years. But we are once again ousted by the TV series makers to prove that what we thought are not always right.

You're not going to like what you are about read next.

Lea Michele
All these buzz started when Lea Michele, who plays the main star Rachel Berry, announced last Monday on her twitter account that Glee will indeed have another season after the third one. She said, "Glee was officially picked up for season 4 today! So happy! Can't wait to see where Rachel will be next year! Fingers crossed for NYC! :)"

Obvoiusly, the fourth season will have something to do with a few of the New Directions member's life after their graduation in High School. Many Gleeks have already speculated on what's going to happen, and it's not that really favorable as it sounds since the members are surely to part ways. Lea's Rachel Berry is more like on her way to New York after she has been accepted in New York Academy of the Dramatic Arts (NYADA).

But expect better things for the cast since they will be portraying more serious matters like college. Could you even imagine Glee doing it in the college scene? Most definitely we will have to discover new characters surrounding Rachel. And I have a very frightening feeling that the overall story will focus alone on her life in NYADA. Meaning new group, new members, even new coach for that matter and less of the old cast of characters.

Even a Fox representative, Kevin Reilly, hinted that the next season will be very different from what we know of the series. Not even the other senior members have been confirmed to come back, only Michele. Reilly said "Creatively, we'd want everybody back. I've got to look at the contractual situation for all of those. And we will. I don't want to... get into details. I'm just trying to whet your appetite. But I think it's going to be a good thing for the show. It's cool. It's different."

I am a little worried after knowing this, of course. Are you happy with the possibility of not seeing the old characters that you really love. That would really suck if it's actually going to happen. Should my worries be true, would you watch Glee season four?

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