The days of late are all about furry and playful little animals, at least for me of course. My drive to watch cuddly little animal videos over Youtube was brought about by the pictures I saw of a nice piece of lizard that exactly looked like Spider-Man. My then unintentional stroll over the net for some cute animal videos has become unstoppable.
I have collected a few videos of cute and funny animals and dubbed them as entries to my Nice and Playful Animal Encounters Short Video Festival. A whim that I wanna share about, because these videos made me laugh most of the times. They are good to watch if you're a little depressed and wanted to lighten up your feelings.
Here are the entries for the Nice and Playful Animal Encounters Short Video Festival:
The Baby Lion and Baby Tiger Fight
A Shy Baby Otter, Covering Its Eyes
Dolphin Kisses a Dog
Cat Playing Fetch Like a Dog
The Laziest Ploar Bear
Baby Red Panda Playing With Light Beam
A Funny Scared Dobberman
Baby Penguin Sits on a Man's Face
Puffer Fish Chasing Laser Light
Cat Answering a Phone Call
Incredible Singing Parrot
Cute Owl Hunts Invisible Prey
Elephant Play a Harmonica
Bulldog on a Trampoline
Frustrated Ferret Loses Its Lunch
Which of these videos do you like best? For me it would be the two little felines -- the lion and the tiger -- playing around. It's always nice to see to carnivorous specie live in peace with each other -- of course until they grow old and then instinct and competition kick in. But, if properly trained they could still live harmonously just like what happened to Christian the Lion.
That was nice display of natural harmony, wasn't it? Is their a video that you really liked, but haven't found it on the list above? Share it to us!
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