Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Varying Concepts of Sexy and Sex Appeal for Women

Sex Appeal

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say. Same may apply when this one very word pops out of a conversation: sexy. A person may have a different idea of what is sexy compared with another. It all depends with age, culture and custom, or maybe even the era one is born in.

Biologically, what's sexy or the idea of sex appeal is simply the genetic program of a person to look for qualities that may be combined with his own in order to make his genetic make-up better. This is vital for the survival of one's race or specie. Every desire is for the genetic quest for perfection, which cannot be achieved, that is why the next generations still look for that elusive qualities that might complete them.

In fact here are some of the varying concepts of sexy now and then:

The Caveman Affair
Prehistoric men favored women who were as brusque, bulky and rugged as they were. This was simply because the prehistoric era presented a very hostile and dangerous environment. Women by that time were expected to survive these dangers without much reliance from their male partners. They must at least know how to evade mammoths, panthers and other dangerous animals and situations while their husbands were busy hunting.

That was fairly the reson why skinny and sickly women were not that attractive to prehistoric men. Personally, I think there were no gender inequality issues by that time because men and women were as capable of doing things. In truth, it was not only the gentler sex -- the women -- that were looking for security from their partners by making them feel safe, it was also applicable for men. Both sexes needed each other's support to survive the hard times.

The Romantic Interests
Did you ever wonder why all Rennaisance paintings and other forms of art do not feature naked and skinny women. It was because men during those times were mostly attracted to voluptuous women. There was no wonder then that most of Venus's, the goddess of beauty and love, figure in old paintings always had the curvy and bulgy look into it. This was the height of sexiness back then.

In the present, these voluptuous women are not perceived as they were. They can be considered as fat and flabby. But during those times women did not mind gaining extra more pounds since most men adored and loved them. This was needed because during those times food supplies were rare and women of these type sent out a message that they were fit for a healthy child bearing.

The Victorian Lady
This was the period where women tend to be conscious of their body. They may be garbed with puffing gowns and all, but a woman with the smallest waist would always catch a man's attention. This was the very reason why corsets came into fashion and women started to eat less and less. Women would do everything, even to hold their breath just to maintain that tiny waistline!

The brusqueness and course movements of the once cave women were suppressed during this era to give out the true meaning of femininity. A lady with more graceful movements and lesser make-up would surely catch the attention of the lesser denomination of the population -- men. Men were a little scarce by this time that was maybe why women tend to be graceful to attract the attention of men.

The Boyish Fantasies
The rule for this generation was that women must not look as womanly as possible. They tend to copy the handsome looks of men. Shorter hair was abundant and the make-up are so well used for the opposite purpose -- to darken once looks and suppress the female features. Women at these times took measures like tying their chests in order to achieve a flat and boyish body.

This is evidently the direct opposite of the Victorian era. Men found this appealing after they are convince that women need to exude strength and to every men's mind strength is synonymous to being manly. Women unknowingly did this to satisfy men and actually not to satisfy, as what women keep saying during those times, their quest for personal expression.

The Middle of Modernization
From Hollywood era to the blazing 1990's everything were for freedom of expression. Despite a step back during the 50's that lead women to become a little too conservative, the succeeding years proved to be fashionable for women. Skirts were getting shorter and shorter, dresses were getting tighter and tighter and the make up were turning bolder and bolder.

The quest for being conscious with one's body figure was once again on the go as men got slobber and slobber and chubier. Slob men obviously got bigger and fatter that was why they found sex appeal in almost skinny women to balance their pairing. The genetic factory was on the quest for finding the perfect offspring and obviously a fat slob of a man and an almost skinny woman would most probably produce an offspring in between those figures.

The Secrets of Victoria
These ultra modern times favor women who are skinny -- and if I may be bold to say -- even bulimic. This is still a continuation of the previous era's pursuit to satisfy the common man, which honestly are slobs and lazy-bodies. Modern food and high carb and beer intake also resulted to bulgier stomachs and fatter figure for men.

In order to balance their fantasies, skinny women are still box office hits. Don't think that this is just plain coincidence, these are simply programmed in our genes to be so. Attraction is purely brought about by something we don't have. And the general idea of a common man is that skinny women well be appropriate to save his genetic pool.

The Futuristic Appeal
The future is an unknowable territory. Everything is not set in stone. So for today's women who lament because they don't have the qualities that most people perceive as sexy, please stop. This trend of sexiness is just temporary and it could change in the future. You might not know, but the sexy that the future might dish out will be the very exact quality of your self.

But until these futuristic desires come to pass, we will have yet to know. No one should lose hope by the standards that the present society is setting for them. Everything is temporary and what might be considered sexy today may not be applicable in the future, or vice versa.

1 comment:

  1. Sex isn’t always perfect and it should be about feeling good, not looking pretty. It’s perfectly normal for a younger man to be sexually attracted to a mature woman. In fact, when you stigmatize his choice, then you feed into an unhealthy narrative on masculinity in middle age.
