All the pieces are really coming together now for the much awaited The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. There's only more than a month left and we will finally get to enjoy this captivating trilogy adaptation of the beloved prequel to the Lord of the Rings. Personally I can't really wait for December 14 anymore. If only I could have a chance to watch a pre-screening...
Hobbits were known to have a large appetite. We have seen glimpses of that fact in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Who would have thought that these Halflings could cram 6 meals into their daily diet? But to see these festive and appetizing mood in action once again and in a much grander scale simply makes the 'small Hobbit celebration' an understatement.
Check this featurette tackling the sumptuous fine dining ala Hobbit:
Next up are 4 banner posters with one featuring a similar scene:
I hope your hunger for more Hobbit news were satiated as were these dwarves that enjoyed the unwilling hospitality and generosity of Bilbo. Let's feast our eyes more with the cinematic grandeur and superb story-telling when the movie comes out this December.
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