Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Christina Aguilera Announces New Song 'We Remain' To Be Featured in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Soundtrack

I am still in cloud nine and enjoying the ethereal song Atlas by Coldplay. The song that is the first to be announced as part of the soundtrack of the movie The Hunger Games: Catching Fire definitely made a buzz of its own albeit the few weeks of delay on its release.

We Remain by Christina Aguilera in The Gunger Games: Catching Fire

And now for the most unexpected turn of events -- a once in a blue moon phenomena -- Christina Aguilera will be contributing a song for the movie's official soundtrack as well and it's called We Remain. That's quite unprecedented, because Xtina rarely do soundtracks (except maybe the theme of Mulan).

Here is the official tweet from the goddess Xtina herself.

No further details have been given on when the song will be released, but this is good news. This is the same excitement I had when it was revealed that Coldplay would also contribute the song Atlas on the soundtrack of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire...

Yay! Listen to a preview of We Remain by Christina Aguilera!

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire will hit theaters on November 22, 2013.

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