Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Darren Aronofsky's Noah Gets A New, Apocalyptic Poster, Featuring Russell Crowe

The movie poster trend where the back of the main character is turned away to the audience is once again a dominant trade! The new poster of Darren Aronofsky's Noah, starring Russell Crowe, proves that this very teasing technique does not really grow old to excite fans and to put mystery on the movie.

This retelling of the biblical deluge could very well remind us why things are happening around us. The film, on the other hand, also stars Jennifer Connelly, Douglas Booth, Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins, and Ray Winstone.

Check out his new poster of Darren Aronofsky's Noah, featuring Russell Crowe, or his backside that is.



Subject to divine visions foretelling the end of the world, Noah attempts to tell his people to cease their mistreatment of the Earth in order to be saved. No one listens to his warnings, and Noah and his family are cast out to fend for themselves in the wilderness. Noah approaches a race of giant six-armed angels known as the "Watchers" to rally them to his cause.

A new trailer of the movie is about to be revealed but here are a few sneak peek of it, if you can't wait already.

Noah Official Trailer Sneak Peek #1

Noah Official Trailer Sneak Peek #2

Noah Official Trailer Sneak Peek #3

The world will change as they came to know it then in Noah, to be released in theaters on March 28, 2014.

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