Monday, November 4, 2013

Margaret Stohl Reveals Official Cover Art And Excerpt of Idols, Sequel To Icons

After going with the bluish, cool radiance in Icons book cover art, the design department behind Margaret Stohl's new YA apocalyptic series homes in for the bloody red. Idols, being the sequel to Icons has been given the spotlight and the cover is never any proof of happy sunshine... Are we in for murder?

And for the bad news, folks: We still don't have an official synopsis. But don't wail with grief because we are certainly in for greater goodies, as the author already revealed a 34-page excerpt that will surely whet your apetite for more.

What can you say about the official cover art of Idols by Margaret Stohl?

Idols by Margaret Stohl

Read on, on your own peril, for the excerpt of Idols by Margaret Stohl.

Idols by Margaret Stohl will hit book stores on July 8, 2014.

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