Friday, June 3, 2016

Endgame Trilogy Concludes With 'Rules Of The Game' By James Frey And Nils Johnson-Shelton

The end of the world is almost upon us, that is if the Earth's long chosen champions fail to complete the test... Author James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton will closing the curtain to the beloved Endgame series with Rules of the Game, coming out this year.

Who will triumph and who will get the final key, eventually completing all 3? The release date is more than four months away, but we don;t have the official cover yet so I have create one for you (and for me, of course)!

Here is a fan-made cover I made for Rules of the Game by James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton. Update: You can checkout the official cover!

Rules of the Game by James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton

Wouldn't they look good together?


The revolutionary Endgame trilogy concludes in this explosive finale to the series. One key remains—can the Players find it before the end of the world?

The strongest are left.
One final key remains.
The fate of the world is in their hands.

The world of Endgame is populated by twelve ancient bloodlines. In each line, a Player trains for a catastrophic event that has not yet happened—until the Calling. Once they were called, the Players set off on a journey in search of three ancient keys that will save not just their line, but the world. Two keys have now been found, and the remaining Players must find the final key—before Endgame brings about the ultimate destruction.

Each book in the trilogy features an interactive “super puzzle” comprised of clues and riddles layered into the story.

Rules of the Game by James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton will bookstores on October 4, 2016. Update: The release date has been moved to December 27, 2016.


  1. Good job on the cover. I came here from surfing around trying to find out what's with the publishing date change of the final novel. Why not Oct? Upset!

  2. Thanks, Richard. I have actually created a new post with the updated info and with the official cover:

    Please check:

