Tuesday, May 4, 2021

New Series: 'The Outlaws Scarlett And Browne' By Jonathan Stroud Gets Official Cover (US Edition)

Jonathan Stroud has always been on my radar. Everytime he publishes a new book I am always eager to read it. He is on the level of some of my favorite authors for young adult readers--a list that includes Rick Riordan, Eoin Colfer, and etc.

It's been quite a while since I read something new from author Jonathan Stroud and I am so glad that he will be releasing a new series, starting with The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne. Its official US edition cover has been unveiled (the UK edition was unveield ages ago) and it made me even more excited to read it.

Check out the official cover of The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne by Jonathan Stroud.

The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne by Jonathan Stroud


Action! Humor! Fantasy! This new series opener is a tour de force from international bestseller Jonathan Stroud.

Scarlett McCain is a shoot-first ask-questions-later kind of outlaw. She scrapes by on bank heists, her wits—and never looking back.

She’s on the run from her latest crime when she comes across Albert Browne. He is the sole survivor of a horrific accident, and against her better judgement, Scarlett agrees to guide him to safety.

This is a mistake. Soon there are men with dogs and guns and explosives hot on their heels. Scarlett’s used to being chased by the law, but this is extreme. It was only a little bank she’d robbed . . .

As they flee together across the wilds, fighting off monstrous beasts, and dodging their pursuers, Scarlett comes to realize that Albert Browne is hiding a terrible secret. And that he may be the most dangerous threat of all.

In this fast-paced, quick-witted whirlwind of a story, Jonathan Stroud introduces two unlikely allies—the outlaws Scarlett and Browne—who are about to become the most notorious renegades in all that’s left of Britain.

The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne by Jonathan Stroud will be released on October 5, 2021.

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