Monday, August 26, 2024

Cover Reveal News Round-Up, Including Books By James Rollins And Jonathan Stroud

The Legendary Scarlett and Browne by Jonathan Stroud
Only a few are included in this edition of the Cover Reveal News Round-Up. We have sequels from both James Rollins and Jonathan Stroud. The Legendary Scarlett and Browne by Jonathan Stroud Synopsis The death-defying conclusion to the "audacious," "razor-sharp," and "raucous" exploits of the notorious outlaws Scarlett and Browne from the bestselling author of Lockwood & Co., Jonathan Stroud. Throughout their lawless careers, Scarlett McCain and Albert Browne have gotten out of trouble by shooting first, then running away. Now that's no longer an option. In this non-stop thrill-ride of a novel, we witness...